2020/02/08 - by Xiao Zhan Studio | 来源

Lantern Festival, Riddle Party

Xiao Zhan Studio(肖战工作室)

2020-02-08 20:00:10

🏮Lantern Festival, Riddle Party🏮
Celebrate the Lantern Festival at home with peace of mind. Besides stretching your body to boost immunity, remember to keep your brain active as well.
On the 15th day of the first lunar month, Xiao Zhan invites you to guess the riddles!
1. Carefully read the riddle and comment on this Weibo post. Answer requirements: Riddle number + corresponding answer.
2. For each riddle guessed correctly, you will have a chance to win a New Year calendar from @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, with a total of 15 calendars for 15 riddles.
3. All answers and winners will be announced on February 12.


------original text:------
一、 仔细阅读谜面,评论此条微博。回答要求:谜面序号+对应谜底答案。
二、 每猜出一个谜面者,即有机会获得@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 的新年台历一份,15个谜题共计送出15份。
三、 2月12日公布所有谜底及名单。


Next post: Xiao Zhan's Hand Drawing: Lantern Festival Joy
Xiao Zhan