2020/08/17 - by Xiao Zhan Studio | 来源

ROSEONLY Qixi Online Launch Event

Xiao Zhan Studio(肖战工作室)

2020-08-17 20:40:08

As bright as the stars lighting up the night sky, the lonely planet blooms with romance. @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY attends the ROSEONLY Qixi Online Launch Event. The time has come, let's meet with excitement. #XiaoZhan[SuperTopic]#

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灿若星辰点亮夜空,孤独星球盛开浪漫。@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 出席ROSEONLY七夕线上发布会。如期已至,心动相约。#肖战[超话]#

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