2021/01/20 - by Mengniu Dairy

Official Announcement of Brand Spokesperson

Mengniu Dairy(蒙牛乳业)

2021-01-20 19:30:03

As the Year of the Ox approaches, looking back at 2020, it's a mix of emotions, but full of harvests. Thank you to every strong self born to be strong. In 2021, we are all Ox! Mengniu Dairy teams up with brand spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY to accompany you in pursuing your dreams, getting better and better! #2021IAmAnOx#

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牛年即将到来,回望2020,百感交集,但满是收获。感谢每一个天生要强的自己,2021,我们都属牛!Mengniu Dairy携手品牌代言人@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY ,伴你追梦向前,越来越牛!#2021我属牛#

Mengniu Dairy(蒙牛乳业)

2021-01-21 20:00:04

Breaking news! Xiao Zhan's celebrity store is about to open! Go to the Niu Meng Meng mini program now, pick your favorite store style, and have a chance to win an autographed photo from @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY~ The voting channel is now open~ Scan the QR code on the poster below with WeChat, and you can decide the new year store decoration for Xiao Zhan's celebrity store! #2021IAmAnOx#

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号外!肖战明星店即将开业啦!现在去牛蒙蒙小程序,Pick你喜欢的店铺风格,有机会获得@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 的亲笔签名照喔~投票通道已开启~微信扫下方海报小程序码,肖战明星店新年开业店装由你定!#2021我属牛#
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