2021/05/11 - by Xiao Zhan Studio | 来源

Xiao Zhan Studio's Advocacy for Rational Fandom

Xiao Zhan Studio(肖战工作室)

2021-05-11 22:35:02

Xiao Zhan Studio's Advocacy for Rational Fandom

Gathered by love, moving towards the light. Supporting the National Internet Information Office's deployment of the 2021 'Clear' series of special actions, actively responding to the call of the National Internet Information Office to 'severely crack down on irrational support behaviors by fans.' Mr. Xiao Zhan and the studio issue the following initiative to all fans who love Mr. Xiao Zhan:

1. Reject irrational support methods, act within your means, consume moderately, and refuse extravagance.

2. Respect personal and others' privacy, resist the illegal sale of personal information, and do not illegally disseminate unauthorized content. Resist stalkers, refuse to follow and track, maintain distance for love, and avoid gathering in public places, ensuring order and safety in public spaces.

3. Reject mutual tearing and insults, practice mutual respect, be responsible for personal words and actions, maintain a friendly atmosphere on all online platforms, live well in reality, reduce opposition and disputes, and respect everyone's preferences and opinions.

4. Stay closer to the works and further from the artist's life. Respect the hard work of every partner, focus on the work itself, and communicate civilly.

5. While living well personally, contribute to public welfare, starting from small things, caring for others, and spreading love and positive energy.

Finally, Mr. Xiao Zhan and the studio sincerely call again for rational thinking, rational fandom, growing together, living well, and working diligently. Starting from ourselves, starting from now, together maintaining a harmonious and safe online environment, conveying positive energy through practical actions, and becoming a better self.

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Xiao Zhan Studio关于理智追星的倡导书







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