2021/12/06 - by Ralph Lauren Fragrance / Xiao Zhan Studio / Xiao Zhan

Xiao Zhan Ralph Lauren Fragrance Spokesperson

A fresh and elegant gentleman, a stylish contemporary gentleman. In the crowd, what cannot be hidden is the subtle, refreshing woody fragrance that accompanies his every move. Ralph Lauren Fragrance collaborates with spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY to interpret the contemporary gentleman charm exclusive to RALPH'S CLUB.

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清新俊逸的儒雅君子,风度翩翩的当代绅士。人群里,藏不住的,是Ta举手投足间,淡淡的清润木质香气。拉夫劳伦香氛携手代言人@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY ,共同诠释专属于RALPH‘S CLUB的当代绅士魅力。

X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY(X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY)

2021-12-06 10:10:04

I am very happy to become the spokesperson for @Ralph Lauren Fragrance. Let's start this modern journey with the refreshing woody fragrance.

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很高兴成为@RalphLauren拉夫劳伦香氛 代言人。在清润木质调香气中,开启这场摩登之旅吧。

Xiao Zhan Studio(肖战工作室)

2021-12-20 10:05:05

Together with @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, let’s light up the brilliance in the interplay of black and white shadows. May we not disappoint our passions and sincerity. [心]

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@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 一起在黑白光影间,点亮光芒。愿不负热爱、不负真心。[心]
The classic fragrance of Ralph’s Club adds a romantic touch to every sensory encounter in love. Under the dazzling urban starry sky, why not hold hands and take a walk with your special someone? Happy Valentine's Day, wishing you meet the right person.

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Ralph’s Club拉夫劳伦俱乐部香水的经典馥奇调,为爱情里每一次的感官邂逅更添浪漫气息。都市璀璨星空下,不如和你的Ta一起牵手漫步。情人节快乐,祝你遇到对的人。
The New Year is approaching, here’s a blessing from @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY. In the new year, remember to give yourself a big smile! Spray on Ralph’s Club #RalphLaurenClubFragrance#, elegantly and confidently start another year!
#XiaoZhanRalphLaurenFragranceSpokesperson# #RalphLaurenFragrance#

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新年即将来临,一份来自@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 的祝福请查收。新的一年,记得给自己一个大大的笑容!喷上Ralph’s Club #拉夫劳伦俱乐部香水# ,优雅自信开启又一年!
#肖战拉夫劳伦香氛代言人# #拉夫劳伦香氛#
At the beginning of the new year, in the upcoming warm spring, #RalphLaurenFragrance# joins brand spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY to warmly accompany you in encountering more beautiful happiness.
#XiaoZhan[超话]# #XiaoZhanRalphLaurenFragranceSpokesperson# #RalphLaurenClubFragrance#

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新年伊始,在即将到来的暖融春意里,#拉夫劳伦香氛# 携手品牌代言人@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 温暖陪伴你邂逅更多美好幸福。
#肖战[超话]# #肖战拉夫劳伦香氛代言人# #拉夫劳伦俱乐部香水#
@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY made some small guesses about the people who love and suit Ralph’s Club fragrance: confident and suave, with personality, always able to bring friends together, and very particular about the details of their lives... Do you fit this description? How many did he guess correctly? Feel free to add your answers in the comments.

#XiaoZhanRalphLaurenFragranceSpokesperson# #RalphLaurenFragrance#

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@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 对喜爱与适合Ralph’s Club香水的人做了一些小小的猜测:自信潇洒,有个性,总能将朋友们聚在一起,对自己的生活细节十分讲究……对号入座,你是这样的人么,他猜对了几条?欢迎在留言中补充答案。

#肖战拉夫劳伦香氛代言人# #拉夫劳伦香氛#
Commemorate every shining moment, let the elegant aroma of #RalphLaurenClubFragrance# become the key to treasured memories. Ralph Lauren Fragrance spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY invites you to enjoy the modern and brilliant time exclusive to RALPH’S CLUB.

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纪念每一个闪耀时刻,让#拉夫劳伦俱乐部香水# 的优雅气息成为珍藏记忆的钥匙。拉夫劳伦香氛代言人@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 邀请您一起享受属于RALPH’S CLUB的摩登璀璨时光。
Look for the charming figure of Ralph Lauren Fragrance spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY in RALPH’S CLUB, and immerse yourself in the sensual fragrance with him, the romance of lavender and sage, the depth of vetiver and Virginia cedar, quietly warming the atmosphere.
#XiaoZhanRalphLaurenFragranceSpokesperson# #RalphLaurenFragrance# #RalphLaurenClubFragrance#

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在RALPH’S CLUB寻找拉夫劳伦香氛代言人 @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 的迷人身影,和他一起沉浸在感性的香气中,薰衣草和鼠尾草的浪漫,香根草与弗吉尼亚雪松的深沉,为气氛悄悄升温。
#肖战拉夫劳伦香氛代言人# #拉夫劳伦香氛# #拉夫劳伦俱乐部香水#
Every bottle of #RalphLaurenClubFragrance# is a warm invitation from the modern urban night. @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY is waiting for you at RALPH’S CLUB.
#XiaoZhanRalphLaurenFragranceSpokesperson# #RalphLaurenFragrance#

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每一瓶#拉夫劳伦俱乐部香水# ,都是一个来自摩登都市夜晚的盛情邀约。@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 在RALPH’S CLUB等待你的到来。
#肖战拉夫劳伦香氛代言人# #拉夫劳伦香氛#
Countdown 1 hour, don’t miss it! #RalphLaurenFragrance# #RalphLaurenFragranceNewYearParty# #XiaoZhanRalphLaurenFragranceSpokesperson#

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倒计时1小时,不见不散! #拉夫劳伦香氛# #拉夫劳伦香氛新年礼遇派对# #肖战拉夫劳伦香氛代言人#
Next post: Ralph Lauren Fragrance Video: Officially Announcing the Spokesperson
Xiao Zhan