2022/01/27 - by International Online News | 来源

Winter Olympic Village Wonderful Journey VCR

International Online News(国际在线新闻)

2022-01-27 10:07:55

'#StartAWonderfulJourneyInTheWinterOlympicVillageWithXiaoZhan#' Young actor @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY invites you to check in at the International Online of China Central Radio and Television Station '#MyWinterOlympicVillageAdventure#', let's cheer for the Beijing Winter Olympics and for China's ice and snow! Let's move towards the future together with the Beijing Winter Olympics!

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#和肖战一起开启冬奥村奇妙之旅#】青年演员@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 邀你打卡中央广播电视总台国际在线《#我的冬奥村奇遇记#》,一起为北京冬奥会加油,为中国冰雪加油!让我们和北京冬奥,一起向未来!
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Xiao Zhan Studio