2022/02/15 - by China Film Report | 来源

Hand-painted Postcards of Love Blessing Winter Olympic Athletes

China Film Report(中国电影报道)

2022-02-15 20:08:40

#XiaoZhanHandPaintedXueRongRongCheeringForWinterOlympicAthletes##XiaoZhanHandPaintedXueRongRong# @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY hand-painted Xue Rong Rong. What other talents does he have that we don't know about! Xiao Zhan wishes every Winter Olympic athlete to chase their dreams on ice and snow, enjoy the competition, realize their dreams in Beijing, and create their own brilliance. Happy Lantern Festival to the audience of the movie channel and friends across the country! #PostcardsOfLoveBlessingWinterOlympicAthletes#

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#肖战手绘雪容融为冬奥健儿加油##肖战手绘雪容融#@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 手绘雪容融,他还有什么才华是我们不知道的!肖战祝福每位冬奥运动员都能逐梦冰雪,享受比赛,圆梦北京,创造属于自己的辉煌,祝电影频道的观众和全国朋友元宵节快乐!#爱的明信片祝福冬奥健儿#
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