2022/03/02 - by Ralph Lauren Fragrance / Xiao Zhan Studio

Bear Edition Blue Polo Fragrance

Expansive seas, boundless blue skies, gentle sea breeze, free and bright, just like #RalphLaurenBearEditionBluePoloFragrance#, with a fresh and bright marine aquatic note, revealing the sweetness of melon, the fragrance of vanilla, and the warmth of patchouli. Enjoy the sea breeze and sunshine brought by the blue polo with @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY!


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开阔的海域,无垠的蓝天,海风轻拂,自由而明快,如同#拉夫劳伦小熊版蓝马球香水# ,清新明亮的海洋水生调里,透出蜜瓜的清甜,香草的芬芳,和广藿香的暖意。和@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 一起,享受蓝马球带来的海风和阳光吧!

#肖战拉夫劳伦香氛代言人# #拉夫劳伦香氛#
Spring is here, in the fresh scent of #RalphLaurenBearEditionBluePoloFragrance#, Ralph Lauren fragrance transforms into a lively and cute bear, blooming bright smiles with @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY as we embark on a new journey!

#RalphLaurenFragrance# #RalphLaurenBluePoloFragrance# #XiaoZhanRalphLaurenFragranceSpokesperson#

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春光来袭,在#拉夫劳伦小熊版蓝马球香水# 的清新香气中,拉夫劳伦香氛化作活泼可爱的小熊,和@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 一起绽放明媚笑容,踏上全新的旅程!

#拉夫劳伦香氛# #拉夫劳伦蓝马球香水# #肖战拉夫劳伦香氛代言人#
Summer sea breeze, light blue shirt, fresh ocean scent lingering around the neck, @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY's summer is accompanied by the #RalphLaurenBluePoloFragrance# new urban bear edition. What kind of scent does your summer have?
#XiaoZhanRalphLaurenFragranceSpokesperson# #RalphLaurenFragrance#

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夏日海风,淡蓝衬衫,清新海洋气息在脖颈间萦绕,@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 的夏天,有#拉夫劳伦蓝马球香水# 全新都市小熊版的陪伴,你的夏天拥有怎样的气息呢?
#肖战拉夫劳伦香氛代言人# #拉夫劳伦香氛#

Xiao Zhan Studio(肖战工作室)

2022-08-17 10:05:05

Amidst the ebb and flow of the tides, let the fresh and bright marine scent of #RalphLaurenBluePoloFragrance# gently caress your heart and ears. @Ralph Lauren Fragrance

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起伏的潮汐声里,任 #拉夫劳伦蓝马球香水# 清新明亮的海洋气息,温柔拂于心间耳畔。@RalphLauren拉夫劳伦香氛
Azure seas and blue skies, a refreshing breath brings peace of mind. Simple and composed, enjoy life elegantly. Ralph Lauren's Double Eleven classic fragrance offer is now available for pre-sale.

#RalphLaurenFragrance# #XiaoZhanRalphLaurenFragranceSpokesperson#

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Next post: Spring Goes, Spring Will Come
Xiao Zhan