2022/05/30 - by breo倍轻松



2022-05-30 10:05:03

The world is complex, but our original intention remains unchanged. Tomorrow we will continue to partner with the global brand spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, starting anew in this new year! #RelieveFatigueEasily# #XiaoZhanSpokespersonForBreo#

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世界纷繁,前行的初心不变。明天我们将继续携手倍轻松全球品牌代言人@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY ,新的一年轻松再出发! #缓解疲劳,轻松应战# #肖战代言倍轻松#
Once again partnering with @breo倍轻松, responding to the fast pace of the world with ease. #RelieveFatigueEasily#

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@breo倍轻松 再度携手出发,以轻松之态,应世界之快。#缓解疲劳,轻松应战#


2022-10-30 13:00:03

The stars are shining bright, #JDAllStar1111ComeOn#! From now until November 11, hurry and shop with spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY on @京东 to get Breo and other trendy brand items!
#JD11.11AddMoreSubstanceToLife# Order star products for a chance to win thousands in gifts #EastCrossYardPickThings# Spokesperson's items are right here

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星光绚烂,#京东全明星1111起来# !即日起至11月11日,快与代言人@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 一起逛@京东 get倍轻松等大牌潮流好物!
#京东11.11 给生活多点实在# 星品下单抽千元好礼 #东跨院里挑东西# 代言人同款就在这里

Xiao Zhan Studio(肖战工作室)

2022-12-19 10:05:00

The new year is approaching, everything is easy! Together with the global brand spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, at @breo倍轻松, gain a sense of easy health and control the new year's good luck. #RelieveFatigueEasily#

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新年即将至,万事倍轻松!与倍轻松全球品牌代言人@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 一起,在@breo倍轻松 收获一份轻松健康,拿捏新年好运。#缓解疲劳,轻松应战#


2023-01-01 10:05:01

As the old year ends, a new year begins, 2023 has arrived as promised! [心动超崽]
The whole year's 'good luck control' starts today, together with @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY #NewYearEasyControlRabbitEasy#

Xiao Bei has also brought a limited edition red envelope cover for the new year (get it in the next Weibo post), wishing everyone a happy New Year and bringing blessings to friends and family! #XiaoZhanSpokespersonForBreo#

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旧岁落幕,福启新年,2023如约而至! [心动超崽]
一整年的「好运拿捏」始于今天,和@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 一起 #新年倍轻松,拿捏兔easy#

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