2023/01/05 - by LI-NING1990 | 来源

Li Ning VCR


2023-01-05 10:05:02

The minor cold has arrived, and the festive atmosphere is growing stronger. Spokesperson Xiao Zhan @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY takes the lead in styling for 2023, wearing the brand's new classic all-over print outfit. Wishing everyone a prosperous new year and a happy Year of the Rabbit! #XiaoZhan[SuperTopic]#

Please pass on this blessing: Follow @LI-NING1990's official Weibo account, repost and comment on this Weibo post, and share your wishes for the 2023 Spring Festival in the comments. We will draw 3 lucky winners to receive the same wind chime shoes as the spokesperson. Come and receive your first surprise of the Spring Festival!


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小寒已至,年味渐浓,代言人肖战@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 率先造型2023,身着品牌全新经典满印套装,祝福大家新的一年大展宏“兔”, 癸卯兔年新春快乐!#肖战[超话]#

请将这份祝福传递下去:关注@LI-NING1990 官方微博账号,转发并评论本条微博,在评论区分享你的2023年新春心愿,我们将抽取3位幸运儿送出代言人同款风铃鞋。快来收获新春第一份惊喜吧!

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