2023/06/25 - by Film Channel Integrated Media Center | 来源

VCR: Recommended Movie 'Shen Jilan'

Film Channel Integrated Media Center(电影频道融媒体中心)

2023-06-25 10:44:00

#XiaoZhanRecommendsMovieShenJilan# 'Remember a person, a spirit, so that we can always maintain our original intention towards our career and keep our passion for life.' In @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY's view, 'Shen Jilan' is not just a name, a movie, but also a reflection of the simple struggle and relentless spirit of the people of that era. Together with Xiao Zhan, we pay tribute to the national model worker and the most beautiful fighter Shen Jilan. #ShenJilanMoviePremiere#

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#肖战推荐电影申纪兰# “铭记一个人,一种精神,让我们始终能对事业保持初心,对生活保有赤忱。”在@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 看来,《申纪兰》不仅仅是一个名字,一部电影,更是那个时代的人们朴素拼搏,奋斗不息的精神缩影。和肖战一起,向全国劳模、最美奋斗者申纪兰致敬。#电影申纪兰首映礼#
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