2023/06/29 - by Xiao Zhan Studio | 来源

Bay Area Rising Moon Music Gala

Xiao Zhan Studio(肖战工作室)

2023-06-29 20:50:05

The green mountains remain silent yet free, the gentle waters leave no trace yet calm. Tonight, meet @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY at #2023BayAreaRisingMoonFilmMusicGala#, where the world is vast, and we wander.

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青山不语仍自在,微水无痕亦从容。今晚和@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 相约#2023湾区升明月大湾区电影音乐晚会# ,天地阔,且徜徉。

Next post: 2023 Bay Area Moonrise Grand Bay Area Movie Music Gala
Xiao Zhan Studio/Xiao Zhan/Movie Channel Media Center/1905 Movie Network, etc.