2023/10/16 - by Xiao Zhan | 来源

Repost from China News Network: 'Belt and Road' 'Companions'

X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY(X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY)

2023-10-16 12:03:19 发布于Sichuan(四川)

Chasing dreams together, never stopping!

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#BeltandRoadCompanions# 'Produced by China News Network, the tribute song for the 10th anniversary of the 'Belt and Road' initiative 'Companions'' #XiaoZhanSingsCompanions# 'Chasing dreams together, ten years in a blink, never stopping, you and I side by side.' Ten years ago, the proposal of the 'Belt and Road' initiative opened a new chapter in the development of China and the world. To pay tribute to the fruitful achievements of these ten years, produced by @China News Network, with lyrics by renowned music planner and lyricist @流水纪, composed and produced by well-known musician @音乐人郝雷, and passionately sung by young actor and singer @X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY. Chasing dreams together, ten years in a blink, never stopping, you and I side by side!

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#一带一路同路人#【中新网出品“一带一路”十周年致敬曲《同路人》】#肖战献唱同路人# “同行追梦,转眼十年,步履不停,你我并肩。”十年前,“一带一路”倡议的提出,开启了中国与世界发展的新篇章。为致敬这十年的丰硕成果,由@中国新闻网 出品,知名音乐企划及作词人@流水纪 作词,知名音乐人@音乐人郝雷 作曲并担任制作人,青年演员、歌手@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 倾情演唱。同行追梦,转眼十年,步履不停,你我并肩!
Next post: 'Belt and Road' 10th Anniversary 'Companions'
Xiao Zhan Studio