2024/01/11 - by Xiao Zhan Studio | 来源

Weibo Night Safety Initiative

Xiao Zhan Studio(肖战工作室)

2024-01-11 13:33:53

#WeiboNightSafetyInitiative# With the 2023 Weibo Night approaching, we sincerely call for: No gathering or lingering in public places. It is prohibited to bring light boards, banners, flags, loudspeakers, and other prohibited support items into the venue and surrounding areas; no forms of support or gathering are allowed; do not publish or spread information about support or gathering. We urge all fans to strictly adhere to the safety initiative, participate rationally in activities for their own and others' safety, and refrain from disruptive or extreme behaviors in the name of love that may affect public order and safety. We hope all fans will spread the word, and see you online for the live broadcast! #WeiboNight#

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#微博之夜安全倡议# 2023微博之夜临近,为保证公共安全,我们在此诚恳呼吁:公共场所不聚集、不逗留。禁止携带灯牌、横幅、旗帜、扩音设备等违禁应援物品进入场馆及周围;禁止开展任何形式的应援、聚集;禁止发布或扩散应援、聚集等信息。请广大粉丝朋友严格遵守安全倡议,为自己和他人安全,理智参与活动,切勿以爱之名做出妨碍他人和其他过激行为,影响公共秩序和公共安全。望各位粉丝相互转告,我们线上直播见!#微博之夜#

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Xiao Zhan Studio