2024/10/04 - by EVELOM

Xiao Zhan EVELOM Global Spokesperson


2024-10-03 10:05:00

With steadfast composure, continuing the journey to radiance.
On October 4, EVE LOM global brand spokesperson (makeup removal series and cleansing masks) will be revealed, and the surprise journey begins.

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10月4日,EVE LOM 伊芙珑全球品牌代言人(卸妆系列及洁净面膜),即将揭晓,惊喜启程。


2024-10-04 10:05:00

Steadfast and composed, continuously exploring.
EVE LOM announces @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY as the first global brand spokesperson for EVE LOM (makeup removal series and cleansing masks), continuing the journey to radiant, clear skin.

#XiaoZhanEVELOMGlobalSpokesperson# #EVELOMCleansingMask# #EVELOMLegendaryCleansingCream#

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EVE LOM 伊芙珑宣布@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 正式成为 EVE LOM 伊芙珑首位全球品牌代言人(卸妆系列及洁净面膜),携手续写净透发光肌之旅。

#肖战EVELOM全球代言人# #EVELOM洁净面膜# #EVELOM伊芙珑传奇洁颜霜#
Explore the nourishing journey with @EVELOM, discovering the new brightening cleansing mask, soothing and emergency relief, radiant and clear skin.

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@EVELOM伊芙珑 一同探寻愈养之旅,探索全新亮采洁净面膜,舒缓救急,净透发光肌。


2024-10-04 11:00:01

Nourishing and cleansing in one, radiant and clear skin.
With global brand spokesperson (makeup removal series and cleansing masks) @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, immerse in the cleansing time of EVE LOM Legendary Cleansing Cream, a nourishing and cleansing experience.

#XiaoZhanEVELOMGlobalSpokesperson# #EVELOMLegendaryCleansingCream#

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与全球品牌代言人(卸妆系列及洁净面膜)@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 一起,开启 EVE LOM 伊芙珑传奇洁颜霜,沉浸卸养愈的净澈时光。

#肖战EVELOM全球代言人# #EVELOM传奇洁颜霜#


2024-10-04 12:00:00

Soothing and emergency relief, radiant and clear skin. EVE LOM global brand spokesperson (makeup removal series and cleansing masks) @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY invites you to experience the new brightening cleansing mask, illuminating your skin's clarity.
From now until October 20, follow @EVELOM on Weibo, leave a comment and repost this Weibo, and @ a friend to share your favorite cleansing product. Five lucky fans will be randomly selected to receive a spokesperson postcard frame set (including 3 postcards), and one lucky fan will receive a 'signed photo by spokesperson Xiao Zhan'.

#XiaoZhanEVELOMGlobalSpokesperson# #EVELOMCleansingMask#

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舒缓救急,净透发光肌。EVE LOM 伊芙珑全球品牌代言人(卸妆系列及洁净面膜)@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 邀您一同体验全新亮采洁净面膜,点亮肌肤净透光采。
即日起至10月20日,关注@EVELOM伊芙珑 官方微博账号,于此条微博下方留言及转发,并@ 一位好友分享你的洁颜挚爱,将随机抽取5位幸运粉丝送出代言人明信片相框组合(含3张明信片)一份,还将随机抽取1位幸运粉丝送出「代言人肖战亲笔签名照」一张。

#肖战EVELOM全球代言人# #EVELOM伊芙珑洁净面膜#


2024-10-05 10:05:00

Continuously exploring, moving forward with steadfast composure. Happy birthday to EVE LOM global brand spokesperson (makeup removal series and cleansing masks) @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, as we continue to write a brilliant chapter together.


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不断探索,以坚定从容之姿果敢前行。祝 EVE LOM 伊芙珑全球品牌代言人(卸妆系列及洁净面膜)@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 生日快乐,共同续写璀璨篇章。



2024-10-05 12:00:00

Nourishing and cleansing in one, 40 years of reputation. With global brand spokesperson (makeup removal series and cleansing masks) @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, start a scene-based cleansing experience with the classic EVE LOM cleansing family.
#EVELOMLegendaryCleansingCream#, comprehensive cleansing, nourishing and cleansing in one, radiant and clear skin;
#EVELOMDisposablesCleansingOilCapsules#, customized for travel scenarios, one capsule for cleansing, nourishing on the go;
#EVELOMLightMakeupRemovalCream#, lightweight cleansing experience, customized for light makeup and sun protection, cleansing thoroughly.

#XiaoZhanEVELOMGlobalSpokesperson# #EVELOMClassicCleansingFamily#

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养卸合一,40年口碑传承。与全球品牌代言人(卸妆系列及洁净面膜)@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY ,以 EVE LOM 伊芙珑经典洁颜家族,开启场景化洁颜体验。
#EVELOM传奇洁颜霜# ,全方位净澈洁颜,养卸合一,净透发光肌;
#EVELOM伊芙珑次抛洁颜油胶囊# ,出行场景定制,一粒洁净,养卸随行;
#EVELOM伊芙珑卸淡妆凝霜# ,轻盈洁颜体验,淡妆防晒定制,一卸净透。

#肖战EVELOM全球代言人# #EVELOM伊芙珑经典洁颜家族#


2024-10-09 21:00:00

EVE LOM partners with global brand spokesperson (makeup removal series and cleansing masks) @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY to continue the journey to radiant, clear skin. From now until October 10, EVE LOM #TmallBrandSuperMemberDay# countdown invites you to explore exclusive gifts for the spokesperson and reveal your skin's clarity.

#XiaoZhanEVELOMGlobalSpokesperson# #EVELOMCleansingMask# #EVELOMLegendaryCleansingCream#

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EVE LOM 伊芙珑携手全球品牌代言人(卸妆系列及洁净面膜)@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY ,续写净透发光肌之旅。即日起至10月10日,EVE LOM 伊芙珑#天猫品牌超级会员日# 收官倒计时,邀您即刻探索代言人专属周边礼,绽放肌肤净澈光采。

#肖战EVELOM全球代言人# #EVELOM洁净面膜# #EVELOM伊芙珑传奇洁颜霜#
Next post: Official Announcement: EVELOM Global Spokesperson
Xiao Zhan