2024/11/14 - by Xiao Zhan Studio | 来源

Making MV for 'Anonymous'

Xiao Zhan Studio(肖战工作室)

2024-11-14 12:01:44+0800

#OurPrism# Stars twinkle, the night sky is boundless. Under the starry sky, you and I share the same original intention, the same passion. @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY

@Xiao Zhan Studio in collaboration with @微博明星 @微博音乐 launched the #MakingMVforAlltheSame# event. Bring your topic, share your story, and create your own 'MV' for 'Anonymous'. Let’s find the same shining stars in different stories✨

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#我们的多棱镜# 星光点点,夜空无垠,星空下的你我初心都一样,热忱都一样。@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY

@肖战工作室 联合@微博明星@微博音乐 发起#为都一样制作MV# 活动,带话题,分享你的故事,为《都一样》制作属于你的“MV”。让我们在不一样的故事中,寻得一样的闪闪星光✨
Next post: 'Anonymous' MV Shooting
Xiao Zhan Studio